Mongolia to Russia Boarder\a helenkakakans
robert at the border
after deans fall on the tar
after deans fall on the tar
asessing options
bart persuading rob to come on the road of bones
barton and dean in mongolia
barton and the 640
barton in mongolia
barton loses a pannierpart
barton loses a pannierpart
bartons 50th puncture
bartons 50th puncture
big wheels
bike steadily falling to piecs
\broken bridge in mongolia
bullet proof underwear
cracks start to appear
dean at the fab shop
dean in mongolia
dean in pain
didnt quite get there
finally got it started again
half russia and mongolia
hey barton
\hi dean
\its an AK
jumpstarting bike 36 after water in the engine
lasting memory of kazakh roads
leaving Russia
\luke i am your father.
lunch day 2 mongolia
lunchtime post bridge crossing
mogolian landscape
mongol fuel attendant
mongol girl
mongol kids
mongol man
mongol man
mongol man
\mongol rear end
mongol sheep
mongol signs
mongol throat singers
mongolia at speed.
mongolian bridge
mongolian contortionist
mongolian contortionist
mongolian contortionist
\mongolian landscape
mongolian man
mongolian roads
mongolian sunset
mongolian throat singers
mongolian wild flowers
more broken bridges in mong
\more work
not an easy dismount
not happy jan.
not impressed
our friend rob
paul and barton in there somewhere
paul at full noise
paul or bruce willis
paul post bed collapse
red bull art
road to olgily
rob and helenkakakans
rob paul and dean
robs beloved land cruiser.
\route so far on deans pannier
safely across.
shiny and gooey tar
slippery tar in kazakhstan
slowly slowly across
so far so good
spikes at the russian borde
splashdown lost in mongolia
\the police chief
this looks scary
this looks serious
\this looks worse
\tired m
tribiute to earth and sky
vulchures in mongolia
water in the motor
what the fuck is this
what the hell are these
worhing on Barts bikeAGAIN
working on bartons bike
you guessed it
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